
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Been Busy

Been working a lot on this special nursery set for a friend I absolutely love the way it is coming out she has two twin boys so she needs twoies lol for everything I don't know how she does it will twins its hard with one little one I cant imagine two. I have also been working hard on my etsy store and getting up some new items. Well better get back to work. I will post a pic. of some of the nursery set that is done so far.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mommy trying to keep up

Lately I have been trying to do more things with my kids but they are definitely getting to the age where they don't wanna hang out with mom except when they want to I really wasn't expecting that till they were about 13. I understand not wanting to hang out with mom but I also cant just drop everything when they want my attention or need it with an eight month old that doesn't really work so I'm trying to balance three girls the best I can. I also am realizing three girls is going to be such a hand full in their teen yrs. but I do think it will also be very rewarding. My seven yr. old is just hilarious she makes me laugh all the time but she is also the most work she has a huge personality but is the sweetest little thing as well. My ten yr. old is quite but is ten going on thirteen with her attitude and my eight month old seems like eight months going on to toddler pushing me way. Lately with the changes in the girls it feels like invasion of the body snatchers lol what happen to my kids.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It felt like a ship going down

Things have been crazy in my house lately I have been very sick. It felt like a ship going down so what is a mother to do about it. I have been trying to get into the doctor for two weeks with no luck and with three kids one a 7  month old I cant get sick but it happened. The house is a mess laundry is piled high and the kids well they haven't killed each other yet. It has been raining for days so I cant even send the kids outside for a bit. We missed my brother in laws wedding because I was sick. Finally feeling a little better I don't know where to start on getting things back to normally dishes need to be done laundry, grocery's and so on. I guess I better get started without pushing to hard or I will be right back in bed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ribbon Security Blankets

I have been wanting for awhile now to make security blankets for my Etsy Store I think they are great for little ones to have. I had a sesame street one as a little girl and I took it everywhere I wore it down so much my mom had to have a back up one but I didn't know that at the time I always felt better having it with me and I still have it to this day.

So once again my next step was to decide what size I wanted to make them and what fabric to use since owls seem to be popular I found some cute owl fabric and since I LOVE pirates I also found some pirate fabric and a couple others as well. I then decided what sizes I wanted to make them and got to work.

I also knew I wanted to make some look like quilts since I love to quilt and  what a great way to incorporate the two. It also makes a  good sensory blanket for baby by adding ribbons. I also decided to use batting in some of them to make them all that much more soft and lovable.
They came out just beautiful !

Your little one will love to cuddle, snuggle, chew, grab, throw, rub and drag this blanket everywhere they go!

The overall project came out wonderfully and is a  great success now I just need to make some more.

To see the finished product, check them out at my Etsy store, or to see them specifically CLICK HERE.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Awesome Baby Blocks

So while I was shopping I have been looking for blocks for my 7 month old. they are kind of hard to find and the one set I did find wasn't that great so I decided to come up with  my own for her and my  for my Etsy Store. I started the process by sketching out some designs.

The next step was to decide the size of the blocks. It took me a couple trys to determine a good size for her little hands. I also did some research to find out what people use to make it crinkle since she really likes the noise.

With these thoughts, I headed off to the local fabric store in search of the perfect fabric. I found some great fleece and cotton that I just loved as well as my three daughters.

After finding the perfect fabric, I headed back the house and worked with my sketches to come up with the right size blocks. I started by making one of each block and figured I let my daughter try them out. Who is a better tester than a baby that's gonna chew it, throw it, and rub it all over there faces.

She just loves her blocks and my older kids have been asking me to make them some but bigger so they can throw them around and as a busy mommy then I don't have to worry about them hurting anyone or anything.

The cuddly fleece and cotton worked out great. They are bright colored, and extra soft as not to harm baby.

The overall project has been a great success. My daughter loves to play with her new blocks.

To see the finished product, check them out at my Etsy store, or to see them specifically CLICK HERE.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just Another Crazy Day As A Mom

Today started off as another crazy day it was snowing so the schools were closed now all three of my girls are home instead of just the one. So I thought the baby is still asleep I can sleep in a bit wrong what was I thinking 7:40 am on the dot my older two kids come running louder than anything its snowing can we go out and play in it really I haven't even been awake 10 mins. I tell them give me a bit then you can go out well i gave in just to get them out of my hair and so they didn't wake the baby which was a miracle the didn't. Took for ever to get them all bundled up just for them to go outside and come back in a few mins. later its cold I said yes there is snow out there now go back out they had a great time.The baby woke up soaked again I wasn't surprised but I just really don't understand why its only at night we have this problem I also wanted to start the baby on a shedule today I did try but not sure yet how well it worked I also for the first time let my ten yr old change the baby its not that I feel she cant I just feel its my job but then I also think at her age I was baby sitting and changing diapers she really should do this every now and then so I did let her and it went fine I figured at the worst everyone would need a bath.I finally got a little time to work on my product I'm super excited about it almost done yay. Now what will tomorrow bring

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Day In The Life Of a Mother

Today started out as a crazy day with the kids trying to get them ready for school the baby woke up earlier than normal and once again she was covered in pee it doesn't seem to matter time I change her at night or how many times she almost always wakes up soaked so my morning isn't going so great and to stick the baby in the tub and get the other kids off to school. The cat is recking havoc and chasing the kids bouncing of furniture and its not even 8am yet. The kids are now at school the baby is very fussy and I need to get some work done and now its snowing I really don't want to go out in the snow to pick the kids up but have no other choice I wish I had a magic wand and could just make the kids appear home that would really come in handy.Now its noon wonder how the rest of the day is gonna go its early day so we will see.